- Apartments
- Dormitory Style
- Room in Family Home
- Efficiency Apartments
- Houses Shared by Students
- Do and Do Not - Finding a Place to Live
- Things I Should Have Known About Renting But I Was Afraid To Ask
- Common Off-Campus Problems
- How much is monthly rent?
- How many of us may rent and live at this rental address?
- May I rent from you for a twelve-month, nine-month, or less time period?
- Where and when must the rent be paid? If rent is paid after that date, do you charge a late fee? How much is it?
- If one month’s rent is late, does the lease contain an acceleration clause that causes all remaining rent to become due and payable?
- May each roommate pay his/her portion of the rent with separate checks?
- If my roommate leaves during the lease, who’s responsible for paying that share of the rent?
Do I pay for:
- Heat (electric, gas, or oil)
- Water/sewage
- Hot water
- Parking (what about guest parking?)
- Air conditioning
- Garbage collection
- Repairs of any kind. If so, why?
- Pets (are pets allowed at all?)
- Cable TV
Security Deposits
- How much is the security deposit? When must it be paid? When is it returned, or may it be used as my last month’s rent?
- Do I receive interest on the deposit?
- What must I do to have my security deposit returned in full?
- Which bank will hold my security deposit?
Escalator Clause
- Does the lease contain escalator clauses that could cause my rent to increase during the lease period? For example, are energy-cost increases passed on to the tenant?
- In previous years, were such assessments made? If so, by what amount did they exceed the base rental figure?
Lease Termination
- Is notice required to terminate or renew the lease, or will it automatically renew for another year? When must notice be given and in what form?
- If the lease automatically terminates, will I have the first right to renew it?
- Is it possible to terminate the lease before the stated date? What fee, if any, is charged for early termination? How much notice is required for early termination? In what form?
- Is the apartment furnished or unfurnished?
- Are a stove and refrigerator provided?
- Are drapes and curtains provided?
- Are there screens on the doors? Windows? Sliding glass door?
- Is there a fire extinguisher in the apartment? Are there smoke alarms? How often are they checked or tested?
- Has the apartment been insulated or weather-stripped for more energy efficiency? What are the average heating/cooling bills?
- Is a laundry available on the premises? If no, where is the closest laundromat?
- Is a storage area outside of the apartment provided? How is access to the area obtained? Is a fee charged?
- How many parking spaces are provided per apartment? How do I get a parking space? Is a fee charged?
- If I pay for parking, is it assigned? What if someone parks in my space or the lot is full?
- Can my guests park in the lot? Is there a designated guest parking area?
Repairs (paid by the landlord)
- How do I notify you of emergency repairs during the work day, on weekends, and after office hours
- Do you have an on-site maintenance staff to handle normal repair requests?
- How soon after my request will repairs be made?
- d. If I want something special done, may I request that you do it if I am willing to pay for it (e.g. paint my apartment a color other than standard white)?
Right of Entry
- How much advance notice will I receive before your staff comes to make repairs or conduct an inspection?
- Do I have to let someone in if doing so is inconvenient?
- If I am not renewing my lease, will I have to allow people in to see my apartment? How about if I am renewing?
- Do you change the locks at no charge between the moving out and moving in of tenants? Is there a charge for keys?
- Do you have a dead-bolt lock or other secure locking device that operates only from inside the apartment on all doors?
- If I wish to install a dead-bolt lock or other locking device, may I do it? Will there be a charge?
- Do you have a peephole or viewer in solid doors that enables the tenant to see who is at the door before opening it?
- If I lose my key and want either another key or the lock changed, is there a charge? If so, how much?
Moving In
- What is the earliest date I may move in?
- May I move in earlier if the present tenant leaves early? Do I need the tenant’s written permission to do so? Is there a fee for moving in early? If so, do I pay you or the tenant? If my apartment is not ready, clean, or in good repair, who is responsible? When will the repairs or cleaning be done?
Damage Report
- Will someone help me complete the damage report when I move in or out?
- How much time is allowed to report damage that was not initially apparent (e.g. a broken refrigerator shelf support that won’t stay up when groceries are put on it)?
- Does the lease contradict a tenant’s legal right to have visitors for a “reasonable time?” Does it attempt to define “reasonable time?”
Renter’s Insurance
- Do I need to purchase it or do you provide it?
- See Student Affairs - come to Reception area on the top floor of the Hiller Building or contact Rebecca Pennington by phone at (814) 375-4766 or email rxs163@psu.edu.
Don’t forget to get receipts for money paid and keep copies of all paperwork.